All of our products are covered by a One Year manufacturers warranty and in the event that your item develops a manufacturers fault within 12 months of purchase we will be happy to repair in the first instance or replace as necessary, for you.

  1. When you accept the goods from the courier check the item(s) if possible, to ensure there are no visible marks or damage, as you are signing that you have received it in perfect condition and that you are satisfied with it. If the goods are damaged or unsatisfactory please write the word 'unsatisfactory' on the delivery note.
  2. If you cannot check the goods please write 'unchecked' on the delivery note. Retain all packaging when unboxing, for any return.
  3. Tell us in writing (via email is fine) about any damaged or unsatisfactory items within 14 days from the date of delivery and return the item(s) within 30 days from the date of delivery in unused condition AND in the original packaging for a FULL REFUND of the full purchase cost of the item(s), (excluding the costs of delivery and return).

The warranty starts on the day following your receipt of the product. If there is a problem with your product please contact us as a first port of call where we will always do our utmost to resolve any issue that may arise and are happy to assist.

The warranty does not include buttons on sofas or chairs as they do have a tendency to catch so are not associated to any manufacturing defect.

This guarantee specifically excludes faults caused by accident, neglect, and misuse.

Should your product develop a fault within the first thirty days of purchase you many return your goods for a full refund providing you return the unit in the same condition and with the original box/packaging as supplied. This does not affect any statutory rights that you may have.